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BroadbandUSA delivers High Speed Internet Access (HSIA) solutions to business. Our products provide fast and easy plug-and-play Internet access to end users. Through our superior implementation and support services, our partners gain a sustainable competitive edge. We offer turnkey retail and wholesale solutions for businesses of all sizes.

BroadbandUSA Internet access system is based upon worldwide standards – in particular the Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) for sending data over LANs and the Internet.

Our systems interoperate with Ethernet switches from all leading vendors, and with cable, DSL, coaxial, and wireless devices. Our interoperability gives both the service provider and the property or business owner the power of choice in network infrastructure.

BroadbandUSA is capable of operating on a wide variety of networking technologies, including Category 5e structured cabling , DSL, coax and wireless. We offer Internet connectivity speeds up to 5 Mbps. Because we run everything through our own world-wide Internet Backbone Network, we offer unsurpassed quality and service. Call us today and see how we can help your business go the last mile.

our working processin 3 steps

Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi.

planning & strategy

Aliquam scelerisque tincidunt fringilla. Curabitur lectus velit, bibendum eu metus ut, aliquet viverra risus. Curabitur.

design & develop

Sed tristique lobortis mi et elementum. Cras mauris magna, viverra eu augue a, tincidunt condimentum.

test & deliver

Cras a convallis nulla. Vivamus posuere vulputate iaculis. Proin volutpat congue ipsum non fermentum. Quisque.